Get involved
New players are always welcome. Please visit the following links to find out more about being a member of the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association.

Visit the DIHA Calendar to see the entire event schedule.
The Dunedin Ice Hockey League (DIHL) Senior Non Checking (SNC) is a non-checking social ice hockey league run over seven weeks.
In 2012 the club will run an autumn, winter, and spring DIHL.
DIHL SNC? What’s that?
The DIHL SNC is where players come together to play some fun and social, competitive ice hockey. Players of all abilities are welcome, from absolute beginners to advanced players. Players can form their own teams (ask for our Team Information if you’re interested in this), or enter as an individual, where they will be drafted into a team.
Who can play?
No experience necessary, beginners are very welcome.
What do I need?
Helmet. Players under 19 must wear a full cage. Players born after December 31 1974 must use a visor or cage that meets approved international standards). Mouthguards are required for all players not wearing a full cage, and recommended for those that are.
Players should wear elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, skates and stick.
Team jerseys are provided.
What can I do to help?
We are always in need of help to run this league. Any parents or hockey supporters who are able to help out in any way, assisting with scoring, time keeping, sorting out equipment etc please email us at to volunteer.
Games are three 15 minute periods long.
Compulsory Equipment Rule Summary
* Shin guards
* Mouthguard (for any players not wearing a full cage)
* Elbow pads
* Hockey helmet
* Gloves
* Ice Hockey stick
* Ice Hockey Skates
Any parents or hockey supporters who are able to help out in any way – assisting with scoring, time keeping, sorting out equipment, goal judging, please contact the organisers and volunteer.