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Visit the DIHA Calendar to see the entire event schedule.
Attached please find the 2017 Tournament Calendar together with the 2017 SIHL draws for all grades. Please note there are some changes to the Peewee and Midget formats.
Peewees now have two games on the Saturday night to accommodate the Peewee Development sessions/games on the Sunday. Those two games will involve those teams who have to travel the furtherest and will be arriving the night before. The draw was done so that they are not hanging around all day Sunday for their second game, which hasn’t always been easy. It’s hoped that with having two games on Saturday night, Sunday games won’t finish too late for travelling home.
The only exception to this is Alexandra, where games are played on Saturday so they will go on until approximately 7pm, depending on the start time.
In the second and fifth rounds, there will be one game played by each team but because of the uneven number of teams, one team in each of those two rounds will need to play a composite team made up of players from the other teams. The other game slots will be filled with skill challenge sessions.
Another big change is the re-naming of the pewee grades – the A Pool is now known as Peewees, and the B Pool is called Atoms.
In the 2nd and 5th rounds, there will be one game played by each team, with the other game slots being filled with skill challenge sessions.
This is a new grade allowing for players who are too old for midget but still want contact games. These are being coordinated by Andy Mills and Rick Audas, who will be making contact with clubs soon, so we have allowed ice time for two games in the midget rounds.