U20 Southern Trial

NZ Junior Ice Hockey League

Trials for the U20 Southern team will be held at the Dunedin Ice Rink

19th September 2015
8.00 – 9.00am
6.30 – 8.00pm

Invited to trial are players born
2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996

Please confirm if you will be trialing to janinehurring@gmail.com
Cost for trial will depend on numbers

Players selected from the trial will practice the following day

For the NZJIHL Southern U20 Schedule 2015 <- click here Game and trial times inside.

Helping the DIHA

The Dunedin Ice Hockey Association Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of every month at the Dunedin Ice Stadium. If you are interested in being involved with the committee and organising hockey events in Dunedin then please contact the DIHA secretary.

Dunedin Thunder

For information about the Dunedin Thunder team, please visit their website.

More Information

For more information please visit our contact page. Beginners should visit our Beginners page.