Play Broomball at Dunedin Ice Stadium

When people talk about ice sports that you use a broom and wear shoes on the ice, most people think of curling.  You could not be more wrong.

Dunedin Ice Stadium now offers Broomball as new sport to be played.

Best times to play are Wednesday evening’s 5-7pm {available from 16th September} and or Saturday Evenings 5:30pm to 7:30pm {Please ring for availability}.
For more Information or to Book  your event in please email: or Phone 03-456-4556

Helping the DIHA

The Dunedin Ice Hockey Association Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of every month at the Dunedin Ice Stadium. If you are interested in being involved with the committee and organising hockey events in Dunedin then please contact the DIHA secretary.

Dunedin Thunder

For information about the Dunedin Thunder team, please visit their website.

More Information

For more information please visit our contact page. Beginners should visit our Beginners page.